XV Biometa Edition 2023<


XV Biometa Edition 2023

XV Biometa Edition 2023

JULY 20, 2023

The XV edition of the Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Biomethanation congress, so-called Biometa 2023, were held last 19th July 2023.

This congress has taken place since its beginnings in 1997, when the first anaerobic digestions processing the organic fraction (OF) of MSW were installed in Spain. Once again, the 2023 edition has been held online.

The circular economy as a major environmental challenge

The key topic is the circular economy of the OFMSW, a major environmental challenge since the worldwide annual generation of MSW is 20.000 million tons.

After the introduction by Joan Mata, the program had 4 sessions:

  1. Resources production and valorisation.
  2. Transformation to biomethane.
  3. Other valorisation processes.
  4. Industrial-scale plant improvements.

teCH4+ co-founder, Diego F. Polanco, presented the options to monetise the OFMSW digestate via thermal processes. With the recent regulatory changes, this digestate is no longer a residue but it becomes a fertiliser if treated with pasteurisation/hygienisation or even thermal hydrolysis if its biogas content so dictates.

More details about Biometa 2023.

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