Quality Management System

Quality Management System

Quality Management System

Quality Management System Policy

The management of teCH4+ considers quality a priority element and is committed to providing the best service that meets the demands of the interested parties in this regard, as well as the levels established in current legislation and internally. This fundamental purpose is achieved progressively through the participation and responsibility of everyone in the company's activity.

At teCH4+ we are committed to staying at the forefront of the service we provide, being able to continuously offer new services and solutions to our customers, based on the fulfillment of the following objectives and principles:

Likewise, the Management declares mandatory compliance, in all areas of the company, with the Quality Management System implemented, as well as delegates to the Coordinator of the QMS the implementation, development and updating of the Management System, granting him at the same time the authority, freedom and the necessary means.

Finally, the Management undertakes to review both the Quality Management System Policy and the Objectives and Goals to adapt them at all times to a continuous improvement of the effectiveness of the system, as well as other specific commitments relevant to the context of teCH4+.

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