



Based on the empirical observation that steam explosion (flash) is the prevalent hydrolysis mechanism, one of our key innovations is a double flash. This requires higher temperatures and pressures, achieved via a super-quick heating to avoid harmful secondary reactions.

The double flash improves yields and heat integration, since the two steam levels enable full recovery and reduce the specific energy consumption. In turn, this results in lower concentration requirements and hence lower polyelectrolyte dosing.

A continuous, steady-state process, the fully-automated plant operates 24/7, overcoming the batch processes limitations through two differentiated modules:

  • Feeding conditioning and heat integration module: the feed is homogenized, pressurized and preheated using process steam (low and medium pressure) and boiler steam (high pressure).
  • Hydrolysis module: a three-step hydrolysis mechanism is applied (flash + cooking + flash), yielding a ready-to-digest substrate.


Integrated Thermal Hydrolysis (i-TH)

  • Biogas: +35%
  • Sludge volume: -50%
  • Biosolid: Hygienized
  • Digesters loading rate: X2
  • Improves: mixing
  • Eliminates: foaming issues
  • Double flash: improved yields
  • Two steam levels: lower energy consumption
  • Lower concentration: reduced polyelectrolyte dosing
  • Continuous process: less equipment, cheaper
  • Steady state: improved robustness and controllability
  • Integrated: at process and energy levels



Prior to anaerobic digestion, the classic configuration.


In between a pre- and a post-digestion, a smaller and more efficient plant.


After anaerobic digestion, of interest if dewatering is the key objective.

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