Hidrólisis Térmica integrada (HT-i)

Integrated Thermal Hydrolysis (i-TH)

Advanced anaerobic digestion | Monetize organic waste

Más biogás

Increased biogas yield

Renewable energy | Climate change mitigation

Hygienized biosolid

Hygienized biosolid

Lower biosolid volumes | Circular economy

Thermal Hydrolysis

Thermal Hydrolysis

Thermal Hydrolysis is the pre-treatment that overcomes anaerobic digestion´s main limitation (the hydrolysis step).

The result is a more biodegradable organic waste, increased biogas yields and reduced sludge volumes and management cost.

The resulting, high-quality biosolids are organic fertilizers of use in agriculture and the hydrolyzed, low-viscosity material doubles digester loading rates, debottlenecking existing plants and avoiding capital expenditure.



Beneficios teCH4+

Blog entries

5th Commission of AEAS Assembly and visit to the Pinedo WWTP

5th Commission of AEAS Assembly and visit to the Pinedo WWTP

Last Thursday, May 16, the Plenary Assembly of 5th Commission of AEAS was held at the GO Lab Global Omnium facilities in Paterna (Valencia), organized by Global Omnium.
After a warm welcome to the facilities.

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Thermal hydrolysis configurations

Thermal hydrolysis configurations

Although Thermal Hydrolysis (TH) technology was originally a pre-treatment to Anaerobic Digestion (AD), it can be placed in different locations within the sludge line depending on the specific characteristics.

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New award: thermal hydrolysis plant in Copero WWTP (Seville)

New award: thermal hydrolysis plant in Copero WWTP (Seville)

The Acciona Construction, Acciona Agua and Riego Sur Joint Venture (JV) has awarded teCH4+ the installation of a turnkey Thermal Hydrolysis (HT) plant + hybrid steam boiler at the Copero WWTP, as part.

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